Ma-on formed over the western Pacific Ocean in early July, traveled west then north, and made a U-turn along the shore of Japan. En route to Japan, the storm strengthened into a Category 4 typhoon, and dropped heavy precipitation.
This color-coded image shows rainfall amounts from July 14 to 21, 2011. The lightest rainfall amounts (less than 50 millimeters or about 2 inches) appear in pale green. The heaviest amounts (more than 300 millimeters or about 12 inches) appear in dark blue. The heaviest rainfall occurs over the Pacific Ocean south of Japan, including an area immediately off the coast.
這顏色編碼的圖片顯示2011年從7月14日至21日的降雨量。最少量的降雨量(小於 50毫米或約 2英寸)淡綠色表現之。最大的雨量(超過 300毫米或12英寸)則用深藍色表示之。最大的降雨發生在太平洋南部的日本包括其外海區。
Superimposed on the rainfall amounts is a storm track for Ma-on. Darker shades of orange indicate greater storm strength. Dates on the storm track indicate Ma-on’s location as of midnight UTC on each date. Ma-on peaked late in the day on July 15, and weakened considerably on July 21.
Ma-on was downgraded to a tropical storm before it reached Japan, but the storm still brought heavy rains and strong winds to the country. On July 21, The Japan Times reported that Ma-on disrupted air and rail transportation. Meanwhile, officials blamed the storm for more than 50 injuries and at least one death. Authorities warned residents to remain alert for floods and landslides as Ma-on moved off.
達到日本之前,馬鞍被降級為熱帶風暴,但風暴仍對國家(日本)帶來了暴雨和強風。 7月21日,日本時報報導,馬鞍中斷了航空和鐵路運輸。同時,官員指責風暴帶來了超過 50人受傷和至少一人死亡。當局警告居民應當保持洪水警戒和山體滑坡直到馬鞍離開。
This image is based on data from the Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis produced at Goddard Space Flight Center, which estimates rainfall by combining measurements from many satellites and calibrating them using rainfall measurements from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite.